Gas Generator

How Natural Gas Generator Can Save Your Life and Money?

The natural gas generator is an ideal choice for areas that are prone to hurricanes. In the hurricane season, the weather conditions are just right for the birth of hurricanes due to warm waters, low-pressure systems, and other circumstances. During late summers and start of fall, hurricanes start forming from Africa and appear as stifling disturbances over the Atlantic Ocean. The low-pressure turbulence is increased with moisture and warmth thus increasing risk for thunderstorms.

Thunderstorms may die down over the waters but some pick upwind speed and get stronger. The National Hurricane Center monitors the formation of storms and when they notice a storm system developing with winds 40 miles per hour, they give it a name. Many of these named storms can just die down while others that intensify are monitored constantly. If these pose a threat to human life and property, the residents are informed through the electronic media to take shelter and get prepared ahead of time.

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During the stormy season, people like to stock up on food and water. They also get the home alarm systems installed so the family can stay safe indoors. If you want to leave the house to stay with relatives, install a surveillance camera that you can monitor from your cell phone.

If the storm is a Category 1 or a Category 2 storm you may not need to leave home. Hurricanes are intensified by warm waters and when they reach land they lose their strength. If they move back to warm waters, they can regain strength. This is why it is important to watch the weather news if a storm is approaching your area.

A Category 1 hurricane has winds up to 95 miles per hour and is strong enough to down trees and damage a mobile home. You can stay indoors and if the downed trees disrupt power lines you can use a backup power supply.

Category 2 hurricanes have winds of up to 110 miles per hour. It can cause the water level to rise to 8 feet. If there are rivers nearby or you are right on the Gulf Coast, it is good to board up the windows and doors. You can also use sandbags to keep the water from entering your property. When the water level rises, it can break the dams which cause flooding of streets. Not anyone is able to get around without the use of boats or helicopters.

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Category 3 hurricanes are stronger with winds of up to 130 miles per hour. The water level can rise to 12 feet and this can bring life to a standstill. It is good to evacuate the area and stay away from the neighborhood until the water level goes down. Most homeowners in the Gulf Coast areas now pay special attention to home renovations. When they get a house built, they want the sturdy roofs and strong construction that can withstand the Category 4 and 5 storms.

Category 4 hurricanes have winds that run at up to 155 miles per hour. There can be a storm surge of up to 18 feet on top of the normal level of water.  The last and most dangerous hurricane is the Category 5 hurricane that brings with it winds that run at more than 156 miles per hour. The waters can rise above 18 feet of the normal level.

With stronger and faster winds and higher water surges, the storm is more damaging for human life and property. It is mandatory to evacuate such areas where a Category 4 or Category 5 storm is about to strike. There have been very few Category 5 storms that have hit America.

Hurricane Sandy and Hurricane Katrina were the most destructive. Hurricane Sandy was the deadliest and most destructive hurricane of the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season. It caused $68.7 billion in damages. It was a Category 3 storm. While Katrina was a Category 5 storm that was also most deadly and destructive. It caused appalling damage along the Gulf coast from central Florida to Texas. There were 1,833 fatalities and the total damage is estimated at $125 billion.

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The main reason why America is getting more storms every year is global warming. It has made the oceans warmer. It has also increased the difference between the temperature of the oceans and the upper atmosphere. This helps intensify hurricanes. A warm ocean puts up more moisture in the air and this makes rainfall intense and the sea level rises rapidly.  Last year, there were five intense hurricanes that formed in the Southern Atlantic. They all made landfall and did widespread damage.

A natural gas generator can keep life running as usual when your neighborhood is struck by a storm or hurricane. The unit will continue to use natural gas as fuel and will run for hours at no need. You will not have to leave the house to get more fuel. Those who want to reduce their utility bills will also find the natural gas generator most beneficial. You can run the air conditioners and all home appliances, have outdoor parties and still pay less on the electric bill. Natural gas is a lot cheaper than electricity and it is not a bad idea to get one installed for your premises.

Like many other natural gas generators, the Kohler 14RESA 14KW Generator is a natural gas generator priced at only $3,330.00 and is ready for shipment to any address. It features a commercial-grade engine designed for heavy-duty applications. Those who use sensitive electronics can rely on Kohler generators as they boast less than 5% harmonic distortion. It features the exclusive Power Boost™ technology that lets you run central air and other large appliances at the same time.

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The Kohler 14RESAL-100LC16 14KW Generator with 100A 16-circuit transfer switch is only $3,723.00. This natural gas generator is one of the most popular Kohler models for backup power as it comes with an automatic transfer switch. If power is lost due to a storm this hard-working generator will keep running your day as usual. It has a heavy-duty, commercial-grade engine that is weather resistant and durable.

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