Boiler or Steam Generator
Steam is an important element for producing mechanical energy. We are using steam from the very beginning of our industrial revolution. Steam has some great advantages like we can generate steam from water which is available at any place and it does not participate in any chemical reaction with any other particle in a power plant.
Water can stay stable at a fixed temperature in the power plant. Steam used in a power plant for driving a steam engine and a steam turbine. This type of power plant called the Thermal Power Plant. In a thermal power plant, the steam pressure range starts from 10kg/cm2 to supercritical pressure and temperature varies from 250oC to 650oC. In this post, I will discuss the Steam Boiler or Steam Generator With its Types.
It is a closed pressure vessel and inside this vessel, any liquid or water heated by another heat source and converts this liquid and water to steam. Now generated steam when used for another purpose which is outside from the main vessel then it will be called a boiler. Primary generated steam can contain humidity levels from 0.5% to 5%. Then a superheater and re-heater use to heat primary steam to make full steam that can use in power plant operation.
Related: Advantage and Disadvantage of Water Tube Boiler
Water use in the boiler and it must be clean and soft. There are several chemical uses for making hard water to soft water. This soft water called boiler feed water. If the water contains dust then it will create Scaling inside the boiler drum and tube. This Scaling will decrease the boiler steam temperature and could damage the entire boiler.
If we sent primary steam to the steam engine and steam turbine then it will create corrosion with the component like a turbine blade. For this reason, water supply for the boiler always maintain by various water treatment and generated steam use to re-heat again before sending it to the steam engine and steam turbine.
The main heat source for a steam boiler can be fossil fuel like Coal, Natural GAS, Oil. Electricity and Nuclear energy also use to generate steam from a steam boiler. Generated Steam supply to outside by a non-returnable valve system. When steam is coming from the boiler then makeup freed water always supply to the boiler.
At first, I want to define a Steam Boiler or Steam Generator. Steam Boiler or Steam Generator is seemlier with a boiler which use to generate steam but vessel use in Steam Boiler or Steam Generator which is not a pressure vessel according to the definition. Steam Generator use for generating electricity in power plants, hot water supply, Train and Ship.
Related: Basic Operation of a Power Plant With its Importance
A. Water and Fire Gas Flow
B. Condition of Furnace
C. According to the Main Axis
D. By Installation
E. By Number of Drum
F. By Water Supply
G. By Steam Pressure
H. By Manufacturer Name
1. Water Tube Boiler
ii) La-mont Boiler
iii) Benson Boiler
iv) Loeffler Boiler
v) Velox Boiler
2. Fire Tube Boiler
iii) Scotch Marine Boiler
iv) Vertical Boiler
Related: Why Boiler Explode and How to Prevent Explosion
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