Outdoor Electrical Substation
In this post, I will discuss the advantage and disadvantages of outdoor electrical substation compared with the indoor substation.
Outdoor Electrical Substation is located in Outdoor that’s means there will be no rooftop. The following advantage can be found by an outdoor substation.
Related: 33KV Outdoor Electrical Substation Equipment’s
In a conventional outdoor electrical substation (Rated 33KV and above) will have various substation equipment like Circuit Breaker, Current Transformer (C.T), Potential Transformer (P.T), Isolators, Earth Break Switch (A.B.S), Air Circuit Breaker (A.C.B) and some others will be installed under the open sky.
Necessary clearance needs to provide between phases and ground. The equipment for outdoor switchgear manufactured separately and it will be erected at the site as per the switchyard layout.
Related: Why We Use Stone in Outdoor Electrical Substation?
But for a low voltage (Below 1000V) and a middle-high voltage (Below 33KV), the clearance required between phases and grounds are relatively small. But all equipment likes Bus Bar, Circuit Breaker, Current Transformer (C.T), Potential Transformer (P.T), Isolators, Earth Break Switch (A.B.S), Air Circuit Breaker (A.C.B), Relays and others can be provided in/on factory-assembled metal-enclosed unite.
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